Dodgey weather forecast with threatending skies kept alot of racers away but it was dry on NRR lastnight for the MIVA/Rock City Cycles 20K TT.  Although the temperature dipped to 12 degrees that didn't stop some from achieving a personal best


Congrats to:
Craig Rutherford
Peter Richards
Matthys Redelinguys


The winner of the Rock City gift card was Peter Richards for coming within 2 seconds of his estimated time.  Way to go Peter!

Top 3 men:
James Sage dominated in a time of 28:58 followed by Matthys Redelinguys with a speedy time of 31:46 and Stephen Moran in 33:45.


Top 3 women:
Janna Gillick commanded over the women's race with a time of 31:17 followed by Lorrie Baildham in 34:23 and Jamie Ollson in 36:06



Thanks to Steve Ollson for manning  the turn around,  Lee Zavarise for starting the racers and Patrick for timing.  👏

Next week is the interclub 20K challenge so come out and race with a team.