MIVA/ Rock City Cycles 20K TT results

While the temperature dipped we lucked out as the dark clouds and rain stayed away for the MIVA/RCC 20K TT tonight.  Like an espisode of Stranger Things and the upside down we switched things up and ran the event "backwards" starting and ending at the far end near the yellow gate.  Unfortunately I think the looming rain kept a few riders away but a total of 12 hardy racers came out to try and beat their 20K times.
For the Men 
James Sage hammered out a  time of 28:50 followed by Devon Norris in 31:27 and Stephen Mohan in 32:32
For the Women 
Lorrie Baildham was first with a time of 34:18, followed by Jamie Ollson in 36:45 and Erin Biddlecomb in 40:36
Thanks to Steve Ollson who marshalled the turn around and Patrick for course setup and timing!
Check out the full results here: https://www.webscorer.com/race?raceid=139774