There was a general consensus after tonights MIVA/Rock City Cycles 15K TT, held out in Errington and that was, "Grafton Road is not FLAT!!" The slight difference in grade didn't let up for any type of reprieve, for the climbers they wished for more climbing and for the power crew they wished for more downhills. Teamed up with the Arrowsmith Bike Club, MIVA hosted the first interclub challenge at the new venue. The excitement was in the air as teams for the challenge were formed. A total of 28 racers battled the headwind out to the turnaround. Coming back the pace was fast and furious. It was amazing to see so many racers that traveled the distance to try out this new course. All the way from Duncan we had the Cycle Therapy Team; Wendy Hicks, Doug Merrick, and Stephen Mohan. Way to represent!
James Sage was the fastest man out there coming in with a blistering time of 21:09, HOLD THE PHONE, that is a crazy 42.55kph..... AND it was windy....Peter Mogg came in at 21:51 at 41.19kph, inching out Andrew Speed by less than a second at 21:52, 41.16kph. These guys are frieking FAST and on FIRE!!!
For the women, an incredibly close battle between 2 besties and a mere .4 seconds. Did you read that, POINT FOUR SECONDS! Lorrie Baildham at 24:59.0, 36.02kph and Kiyomi Schulz at 24:59.4, 36.01kph. POINT ZERO TWO OF A KILOMETERs difference, next step those swimming cap booties on my shoes!! Following in 3rd place with a speedy time and her first TT with MIVA was Christine Almond (the Boston Marathoner), coming in at 25:23, 35.46kph! Girl, you FLY!!!
For full individual results headHERE
Results for the team challenge and bragging rights for the night are as follows:
- Rock City Cycles
- 2 Guys and 1 Girl
- Cinnabar
- Cycle Therapy
- Palamino
- Red Lanterns
Next InterClub TT, May 24th on Nanaimo River Road.
For the full team results, click HERE
Big shout out to all the volunteers tonight!!
A lot of volunteers from the Arrowsmith bike club where out and it was great to see Marshalls at each intersection and at the turnaround. And a huge thank you to Arrowsmith for marking the potholes on the road, you are bike-savers.
Roy Kregosky, James Osten, Jason Davies, Paul Connor, Mike Press, Lee Zavarise, Peter McCaffrey, and Steve Ollson (insert emoji prayer hands here).
The next Grafton TT is June 21st and next weeks TT is the grueling 40km up at NRR, 7pm start, (insert green puking face emoji here). Just remember, with every race you are one day stronger and one day fitter!
Signing off,
PS. It was great to see you, Patrick, out there racing tonight AND on your single speed! You are HARDCORE!