2010 NANAIMO SPORT ACHIEVEMENT AWARDS Nominations are now being accepted for the 2011 Awards night. Make sure your top athletes, coaches and volunteers get the recognition they deserve. Nominate your picks for each of the categories (see list at the bottom of this message). Please note that nominations will be received from the region from Ladysmith to Nanoose only.
Nominating someone is easier than ever now with the creation of our on line system. Click here to go directly to the on line nominating system. DEADLINE FOR NOMINATIONS IS DECEMBER 15TH/10.
Categories are as follows:
Official of the Year
Masters Athlete of the Year
Grassroots Coach of the Year
High Performance Coach of the Year
Team of the Year
Sport Administrator of the Year
Female Team Athlete of the Year
Male Team Athlete of the Year
Male Individual Athlete of the Year
Female Individual Athlete of the Year
Sports News Story of the Year
Partners of the Year
Junior Team of the Year
Male Junior Athlete of the Year
Female Junior Athlete of the Year
Michael Rhode Memorial Award (open to anyone who has demonstrated a significant commitment to sport over the past year)