2016 Membership Now Open (+Freebies)

Thank you to many of you who have already renewed (or signed up fresh) as MIVA members for 2016. This enables MIVA some early season cash to purchase insurance, get signs made, permit fees, etc. As a freebie this year, everyone who signs up before Feb.1st gets a free pair of MIVA name decals for your bike! This can be your last name, your bikes name, whatever you want (one word). On the webscorer sign up page there is a drop down menu where you can choose one of three colour schemes.

Remember, the order goes in Feb 1st, so if you're going to sign up anyways stop procrastinating!


Membership Form and Waiver

******2016 MEMBERSHIP NOW OPEN****** To fill out the form AND pay online via Paypal, please use this Webscorer link: http://www.webscorer.com/register?raceid=15138

To enroll the old fashioned (but totally ok) way, please click here --> 2016 MIVA Membership Form <-- to download the 2016 MIVA membership form and waiver.  Submit them to Corey Friesen via email ( Miva.President at gmail.com ) or drop off with any MIVA board member.

MIVA's mailing address is: Box 731 STN A Nanaimo BC V9R 5M2

