Aquarius Marine Crit - 23rd April


Last night’s race had a great turnout. We had riders attending from several groups up and down the island including: River Dental Racing, Comox Valley Cycling Club, River City Cycles, and Cycle Therapy.

The crit started off with 2 neutral laps of a 30 lap race. Attacks started to come almost right off the gun but none stuck at first. It picked up to a very fast speed which strung out the group into a single pace line. Around Lap 15. Ian Hay put in another attack which was chased down by the group. By the end of the race there were about a dozen left in the lead group which went down to a sprint. Ian Hay took the win, James Sage for 2nd followed by Jaymi Dumper in 3rd.

Click here to view the results. Here is how the series stands so far.

Many thanks once again to Patrick and all our volunteers for making the race happen and dealing with occasionally grumpy drivers:
Mary-Jo Mace
Jack Mace
Laura Mace
Larissa Richards
Glen Gordon
John Kinos
Antonius Adema

Peter Richards