Rock City Cycles 15k TT - April 25th
We had a great turnout for the second time trial of the season; 27 racers including a few new faces! There was a strong headwind on the outbound leg, which might become the new normal with so many fewer trees on the course than previous years.
Once again James Sage was the fastest man with a time of 21:19.5. The fastest woman was Janna Gillick with a time of 23:20.3, which also gave her second place over all!
A big thank you to our volunteers, Liz O’Halloran and Steve Olsson, and to Patrick for organizing.
Next week’s time trial is 20 km, we’ll be starting half an hour later at 7pm, now we’re getting into longer evenings.
Click here to view the results, and click here to see the series standings so far.