Arrowsmith Bikes Hill Climb Round 2 - Witchcraft Results

Round two of the hill climb series saw the racers riding up to Witchcraft Lake on the lower slopes of Mount Benson. Again the weather co-operated and it was cool and dry. Eleven riders turned out to test themselves against the hill.

Janna Gillick was the fastest woman with a time of 9:11.995. James sage was the fastest man with a time of 8:38.446.

The next round of the hill climb series is on Tuesday on Norton/Tania just off Hammond Bay Road. Details here.

If you’d like to compare your time to last year, those results can be found here. (I got slower.)

Coming up this weekend:

The Comox Valley Cycle Club is hosting the Tsolum Road Race 2019. The race is split into A (70km), B (50km) and C (30km) categories. It’d be great to see a few club members up there. For more info click here.

Peter Richards