June 25th, Summer 100, Maffeo Sutton Park
Summer 100
Location: Maffeo Sutton Park, Nanaimo
Start Time: 8am-9am
The Spring Challenge was a bit of a rainy affair but it didn't dampen the spirit of the boisterous MIVA crew at Whitesails Pub post ride. For the Summer 100 MIVA is making sacrifices to the weather Gods: old inner tubes, holey socks, rusty chains, stinky bibs etc. to ensure a dry sunny Summer 100. No guarantees, the weather gods are fickle.
The route is posted on the MIVA calender and participants can launch when they wish. Note: same route as Spring Challenge. The pub doesn't open till noon so little point leaving too early if you're in the spicy pepper crowd, maybe 9ish. If you're a bell pepper or poblano maybe more 8ish. There will be at least one no-drop C group leaving at 8am. Groups of faster riders will likely make their own plans. Hopefully we all arrive at the pub around 1pm or a little after.
Our members are currently quite fit and fast so we are only posting the 100 km route. If you have to be back early, you will have to bail or modify the route to suite. If you are going to be late you could shorten your ride to make the pub! Removing the out and back to Chemainus is a logical option to compact your route.
This time we have swag for our intrepid participants. Sorry, no carbon wheels, or titanium frames, just small stuff that can be pocketed in your jersey for your ride home. You will have to earn your loot, not by brawn but by your knowledge of cycling trivia including “cycling geography” local and international. Just to be mean we may require correct spelling. Hope you can join us.