This morning a representative from Pie in The Sky pro team was on the Duke Point Highway. He had been visiting relatives in Ladysmith and had evidently lost his way looking for the Departure Bay Ferry. He happened to pass the lead group in the Duke Point Road Race and followed them for a while. When he glanced down at his speedometer, he couldn't believe his eyes - those guys were moving faster than Floyd Landis after half a dozen beers and a rum and coke. To cut a long story short, he stopped at the line  where Peter was waiting to judge the finish and, after getting the riders' names,  said that he would shortly be offering them a contract to ride with his squad although he stated that he would have to find better domestiques as his present support riders would not even be able to service the MIVA riders as they were simply too fast! He said that his name was Aunley A. Rumar and that he was returning to Europe onMonday. Needless to say, we will be impatiently awaiting his email.