Coal City Cycles Crit #2 - 04.19.2016


A great day for the first REAL criterium of the series. 26 starters set off with no neutralised lap and stayed together for the first three laps of the thirty lap event.On lap four, Nick Kupiak (BSC) and Mark Wieler (MIVA/Rock City) grabbed a five second lead but by lap five Mark had been replaced by Sean Lunny (Rock City) and Justin Mark (BCBR) The trio maintained a small gap until they were swallowed up by the hard-working bunch.At the bell for the first of three intermediate primes, they were still at the front of the pack, with Mike Sevcov (Cycle Therapy), Mike Dawson(Pro City) and Shep Stewart (MIVA) right behind, followed by the pack.Meanwhile, several of the less fit and less experienced participants were starting to slip off the back of the bunch, all to be lapped before the endof the race.After the first prime, won by Mr. Kupiak, Gary MacGregor?r (CVCC) and Daryl Chase (Healthy Habits) attempted to escape the bunch but only Gary stayed out front for more than a lapand he too was absorbed by lap fourteen, To be replaced by Mike Hornland (Healthy Habits) next time around.By the halfway point, all remaining pack riders were together again andat the second prime MacGregor just managed to pip Mike Dawson on the line, with Dr. John Lam (MIVA) rounding out the top three.Immediately after the sprint, Nick, Justin, Gary and Mike launched aserious attack but the bunch reined them in within a kilometre and that'sthe way it stayed until the bell for the third prime at four laps to go.As the bunch rounded the bend onto Boxwood, Kupiak, MacGregor and  Lunny and  took off again but by the line, it was Kupiak, with Justin Mark  and Mike Dawson filling the consolation places.In the final three laps, Nick Kupiak consolidated his small lead, winning the race with a few seconds to spare. Sean Lunny took second and MikeDawson third, with fourth spot going to John Lam.followed by the remains of the pack.Thanks to marshals, to Iain for course set up and take down and to Coal City's Robin Dutton, who provided a new set of frame numbers.BTW, I had camera malfunction so need places from 5th. To 10th.Please email me with your probable placing plus who was immediately ahead and behind you.







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