The Bowen Park course is one of the hardest around and it took its  toll of riders last Monday, with the highest number of DNF's of the season. MIVA members again represented the club very well, with twenty-three riders - a quarter of our total membership - scoring two firsts, a third, fourth and fifth.  Here is a full list of MIVA performances: Beginner

Brodie Hay 22

Intermediate Men

John Lam 20, Mark Wieler (ass.) 24, Kyle Waring 26,  Patrick Burnham 47, Stefan Jacobsen DNF

Intermediate Women

Vicki Boyd 1, Deb Epps 5, Judy Villeneuve 8, Charlene Stewart 9, Glenda Harling (associate) 10,


Ian Smith 1, Rob Russell 3, Paul Thompson 5, Ron Hewitson 12, Kirby Villeneuve 20,  Shepherd Stewart 21, Menno Jongsma 27, Shawn Boyd 29, Gary Croome (ass.) 31, Derek Steel 34, Iain Hay 50

Expert women

Janna Gillick 4

Here are a few photographs from the event.