The CIty of Nanaimo is wanting to draw attention to some of the bike infrastructure they have created this year. The positive message is helpful in getting more support for bike infrastructure and with that getting more people to cycle in Nanaimo. That is good for the bike retailers, good for the economy, good for the overall health of our community.  

The show and tell requires some cyclists and of course I am asking the SlowSPokes and other groups to be present on Wednesday the 26th at 9am. I was only asked late last week and the location was not determined yet. It is either at Bruce Avenue or at the north end at Hammond Bay. I would know by Monday and will send out the information.


Please let me know if you can attend by bicycle and ride from either location to the usual meetup at The Vault.


Leo Boon

Chair GNCC

Director BCCC

SlowSpokes Member

Member of MIVA