This was the club's first team time trial of the season. Seven two person teams contested the Nanaimo River Road 15km course and, for some, it was a real learning experience. Several duos used the uphill out section to get used to each others riding style, cadence, and change over technique and all teams rode a very fast second half.

Winning by a comfortable margin, Ian Smith and Charles Hamer must have been inspired by the new club skin suits they both purchased at registration and were a fast moving advertisement for the gorgeous new club kit.

Second fastest time was turned in by Cheryl Morch and Lorrie Bailtham but they were later penalised two minutes as they had had help from a third, unregistered rider for much of the way. This moved the next four teams up a notch, moving Bryan Rehill and Sue Handel (great to see her back after an absence of two years).