MIVA 20km Time Trial
Nanaimo River Road. 130620
It rained steadily all day throughout most of Nanaimo but up at Nanaimo River Road the course was dry, with just a few wet patches. Te3mperature around 20 degrees and no wind so a perfect night.
Five of the six starters did personal bests for the course and all were treated to a dry ride, with the rain just beginning to spot ten minutes after the last rider finished.
HCTC's Reagan Lovig was first again, with Matt Allardyce riding his first time trial this year coming in second, finishing while puffing like a traction engine. The wild life in the area probably scattered at the sound. Patrick Burnham, riding his trusty fixed wheel machine was third just eleven seconds behind Matt and Paul Callow also finished in under thirty-five minutes to take fourth place. Mike Gill knocked a heap of time off his previous best and finished in just over thirty-five minutes. Vet. Dave Metcalfe, who also rode a fixed wheel, had anticipated the probability of wet conditions and was equipped with fenders, which slowed his progress somewhat.
Corey Friesen, who has been working with Webscorer, an Apple-based sports timing programme, helped timekeeper Peter McC. to come to terms with the new software and just five minutes after the end of the race, the results were already up on Webscorer's site. Next, Peter is working on an entry form that the participants can sign right on a tablet screen. This, together with new courses that are measured with a GPS down to a couple of metres is really streamlining the entire time trial results process. BTW, Lorrie Baildham, who is on the mend from her crash at Race the Ridge, acted as turn marshal.
Results at: http://webscorer.com/race?raceid=9960