MIVA is organising 50km and 100km reliability trials on March 24th. The registration, start and finish  will be at Longwood Brew Pub and both routes will be northwest. The 50 km will turn at Serious Coffee in Parksville and the 100km will be an extension of this, going up to Coombes and Qualicum Beach. Participants in either event can choose a time in which they expert to complete the ride. 50 km entrants can  choose 2, 2.5 or 3 hours. The 100km riders can choose 4, 5 or 6 hours. If there is sufficient interest, there will also be a 3hour category for the "hard" people! Start times will be staggered so that most riders will complete their rides around the same time and will be able to enjoy the magnificent Longwood Brew Pub brunch if they wish.  The club is also arranging to have the upstairs room available where participants can trade "war stories" . Registration is $10 and will be same day at Longwood Brew Pub. For further information  info, contact @bikeracing.ca. A map of the routes may be found here.