MIVA AGM/Awards Night
A friendly reminder to MIVA members (and soon to be members, spouses, etc) are all welcome to come out to the AGM and Awards Night on Friday, November 13th. It is at the Longwood Brewpub in the upstairs banquet room, doors open at 630, AGM kicks off at 7pm. The AGM will be fairly short and to the point, any new ideas or suggestions we can discuss afterward at the social and bring up at our next board meeting. The Awards Night always is a good time, and recognizes the achievements of many in the mid island region. MIVA will be supplying some platters of appetizers.
On top of all this, we are blowing out draw prizes, and you must be in attendance to win. A selection of what will be given away: MANY $20 gift cards to the Longwood Longwood Tankards Kiyo Spa $50 gift card MIVA /OBB Water Bottles MIVA Hats 1 Youth Large Jersey 2 Womens Med Race Cut Jerseys and a few others yet to be tallied.