The organising committee for the Cobblestone Classic has regretfully decided to cancel the event for this year. Up until Friday afternoon there had been only 20 entries! There is no doubt that there will not be the hundred needed to ensure the success of the race. Thanks to all the volunteers who were prepared to work at the race. Thanks are also due to Nanaimo City Engineering Department for a great deal of help with the circuit, Nanaimo City Parks and Recreation for a $3,000 grant (to be returned), the Downtown Nanaimo Business Improvement Association, for it's help with communications and poster distribution, MLA Doug Routley for arranging the ambulance and paramedics. Most of all, the hard work of the organising committee members re. poster design, budgeting, and the fortitude to undertake this ambitious project. Next year, MIVA will have plenty of time to get good date selection and to combine the Cobblestone Classic with an existing cycling festival.