NANAIMO HILL CLIMB CHAMPIONSHIP The threat of heavy rain plus high winds, and a busy weekend, with the Victoria marathon/half marathon  on Sunday and Bowen Park Cross on the Rock on Monday, kept most riders away from Nanaimo Hill climb Championship. As a result, only five men and one youth contested the third annual ascent of the tough Duomont /Wiegles course.  Brodie Hay, OBB, was first off and, though passed by the men, won the youth award with a 26'42". The first man to start was newcomer Patrick  Paquette, Tri BC and he locked down first place with a time of 12'44" which beat Stefan Jacobsen's record by a scant three seconds and garnered him the $50 bonus prize. The other notable ride was second place Dave Kenny, BCMCA, who,  at 69 years old, had a handicap-corrected time of 12'50" .  It was heartening to see a good number of volunteers come out to help (more than the number of competitors!). Full results here.

After the hill climb medal winners were honoured at the Pleasant Valley Community Centre event headquarters, it was time to present the Midweek Series awards but,  since only three of the potential recipients showed up, it was decided to complete the awards ceremony later in the Fall. Here are all the winners for both the time trial and criterium series.