The first MIVA road safety and learn-to-race course has just finished, with 8 graduates.  Workshops included a lot of road riding from the Ice Arena to various destinations, including  colliery Dam Park, Chase River and Fairview Community School. The kids demonstrated that they are becoming comfortable on the bicycle lanes and are able to deal with motorized vehicles in a competent fashion. The second part of the course was an introduction to grass track racing, using the club's Fuji track bikes, which are fitted with a flip flop hub and brakes. Although the bikes were on the large size for a couple of the 9 year olds, they managed well and started off with some basic paceline riding followed by individual pursuits, a team pursuit, elimination race and, of course, sprints.

the participants have been invited to come to the Tuesday criteriums and do their own race before the main event. Hopefully, this is the start of our youth identification and development programme.image image image