Awards Wrap Up

We'd like to thank everyone who came out to attend our AGM this past Friday at the Longwood Brewpub.  It was great seeing everyone out and having the chance to socialize and learn what everyone looks like without a helmet on. It was also great to recognize the hard work and effort everyone has put into improving their riding this past year.

For the Overall points in our Time Trial series.  Our top riders were Paul Auton and Janna Gillick.  The top youth riders were Aiden Hare and Abigail Hare.

The BAR(best all around) award went to the riders who posted the fastest combined time over all three distances (15/20/40)of our Time trial series.  Don Gillmore and Janna Gillick.

Crit overall Champion went to Nicholas Kupiak and Janna Gillick.  For the youth riders we had Evan Luksay and Abigail Hare.

Winners of the Hill Climb series were Nicolas Kupiak and Lorrie Baildham, in the youth Category we had Evan Luksay and Abigail Hare.

Based on their overall performance and improvement we saw through out the season we named Evan Luksay and Meghan Gillmore as our Overall Youth Champions.

With Most events ridden we had Nicolas Kupiak(24), Janna Gillick(21) and for Youth Aiden Hare(14) and Agigail Hare(15)

Our most improved Male rider this year was Lee Zavarise who worked hard and showed some great gains in his time trialing.  Our most improved Female rider was Kiyomi Schulz who put in a lot of miles this year training hard.  Put in a fantastic effort in the hill climbs being in contention for the overall win before breaking her ankle on a training run to prepare for cross.

Something new we added this year was our Bounty Hunter prizes of Fifty dollars handed out to riders who managed to knock down our 40km TT and Doumont Hill Climb course records.  In our time trial series Janna Gillick worked hard and earned not only a personal best but a new course record for the 40km distance   At our series championship Hill Climb up Doumont Road riders cleaned out our presidents wallet and he was left owing some people as we had three records smashed that night.  Evan Luksay took down the youth male record with 16:51, Nick Kupiak with 11:48 and Janna with 14:12 also knocked down their respective records as well.

The Peter Mcaffery Volunteer of the Year award, is a new award created by this board to recognize that this club and these events simply don't happen without the hard work of the volunteers who come out to run them.  It was named to honor Peter without whom this club simply would not exist here in the Mid island region.  For all his time and energy spent organizing and running the time trials and hill climbs and for all his countless hours behind the scenes planning and organizing, and for his constant barrage of emails and communication this board (without his approval) voted to award it Corey Friesen.


Also just in case you couldn't hear him, Phil mentioned that we have spin classes at the Swethaus, he just doesn't know where it is.



More shots from the AGM here