Posts in Volunteer
Coal City Crit off to a FAST start!

The Coal City Criterium Series was off to a fast start tonight on Boxwood.  A shout out to our vollies who pulled through and swept up the corners for all of the riders; Peter, Lorrie, Janine, Graeme and Antonious.  Volunteers make these events happen, thank you.

With 19 riders out on the course and some strong winds, the word is that this was one of the fastest opening races we've had.  Kudo's to the newbies on the course tonight, Stephan Mohan, Eric Rush, Kiyomi Schulz and Jesse Manor.

The race started out with two neutral laps which turned in to, (what felt like), full tilt ahead and on the 7th lap after the second corner Peter Mogg and Conner McGrady ended up on the ground.  The crash was minor and they both got back on their bikes, two laps later Conner left the race and Mr. Mogg was back in contention.  On the last lap, Peter was in the two-man break-away with Sean Lunny and managed to beat him out by .1 of a second, it was a photo finish. Thank you, Patrick, for getting us suited up with timing chips.

See the full results HERE

Way to crush it riders and see you on the road.

MIVA/Coal City Crit #5

Well the weather certainly turned around for us tonight.  After Mondays taste of winter I wasn't sure we were going to have a race when I got up this morning.  However it turned out to be the best night so far. Slightly smaller field than last week with more locals coming out and less making the drive down from Comox we had 16 riders take the start line.

It was a 35 lap race with two Primes up for grabs mid race.  On the sixth lap we rang the bell and Janna jumped to take the sprint and grab a box of chocolate chip clif bars.   The second Prime was closely fought with Kevin and Elijah trying to come around Chris Cameron who just barely held them off to the line.

In the final sprint it was Kevin park with a well timed effort who crossed the line just ahead of James Sage.

Full Results Here

Series standings before the start of this race.  Thank you to Janna for compiling the standings.


As always thanks to our volunteers who came out to the man the corners and the lap board.  Without them these races wouldn't happen.  All volunteers are entered in for a chance at one of three sweet draw prizes the first of which is a set of Easton EC90 wheels.  The more times you volunteer the more times you're entered :D

Sign up and let us know you're available to help out HERE



MIVA/Coal City Crit #4 35laps

The weather finally cooperated. We had an excellent turn out this evening with 19 riders taking the start line.  Comox Valley was well represented with six riders carpooling down for the race and putting in a strong showing.

It was a 35 lap, hold on to your toe straps, fast paced race.  With no primes on the line to save up for it was a series of almost constant attacks with riders testing the waters and trying to make a break stick.  Halfway through the race it appeared as though Sean Lunny and Nick Kupiak were going to get away as they opened up a lead of over 15 seconds on the main bunch.  But with the wind picking up along the back stretch they were soon reeled back in to the main pack.

With the chances for a breakaway gone the pace appeared to remain steady as riders prepared to sprint for the finish with Gary MacGregor throwing his bike over the line for the win with Nick and James crossing the line a split second behind him.

Full Results and lap times here


Thanks as always to our volunteers without whom these races would not happen.  Lesley, Brad, Larry and Ira who have all been entered again for a sweet new set of wheels.


MIVA Crit Race Clinic

Well the weather held out for the first race of the season. We had an excellent turn out for our first race.  We had 29 riders on course including two new youth riders.  Once again Janna with the help of Nick Kupiak ran a beginners clinic before the race.  Tied up as I was at registration I missed it this year.

After two neutral laps (should have been 28) to try and warm up in the brutally cold wind the pack was off. With Nick making an early attack to test the waters, he was quickly reeled in by the main pack before attacking again on lap 6 and making it stick this time.  After securing his break away by lap ten he settled into a steady pace and started picking off the riders that were falling off the main pack.

As everyone who was out saw we are running chip timing for the crits this year and as well for the time trials.  So everyone who purchased a seasons pass got to the keep their number/chip which they will use for the rest of the season.  Everyone else who signed up day of had to return their timing chip, and will have to sign in and register for a new chip next time they come out to race.  (Just one more reason to get a seasons pass). We are not pro-rating seasons passes.  You buy one or you pay five dollars to race.

Now, while everything went fairly well for the first run there a couple things to keep in mind.  Number one being, that even if you have a seasons pass you still need to come to the registration desk and check in/sign on to be added to the race.  Two show up early enough if you're a day of rider to allow us time to enter you in and assign a chip.  (the odds of having your name spelled correctly go up substantially the more time you give us)


VOLUNTEERS  once again, dangerously close to not having a race tonight.  If we don't have people to marshall the corners we don't have a race.  It's that simple.  We hate having to harass you, we hate having to spam you on facebook.  We don't want to have you park your bike and give up your race to stand there in the freezing wind wearing just your jersey.

To make it easier for everyone to plan their racing we are asking that you pre-register to volunteer.  This way everyone can see if whether or not we need help and plan accordingly.  I remember how bummed Nick was the night he came to volunteer last year and we already had six other people on the corners and he didn't even have his bike with him.

So a huge thank you to Derek Steele, Gary Argyle and Tamara Zavarise for stepping up and helping out.

In addition to be super awesome they also currently have a one in three chance of winning a brand new wheelset that the club is buying as a draw prize for everyone who steps up and volunteers.

Now for the only reason you've read this far... Results and Lap times

Great race everyone, see you next week.