Posts in TT
MIVA/RCC 20K TT Results

MIVA held the 2nd  interclub challenge last night and it was epic!  Weather was near perfect for the 20K event on Nanaimo River Road.  However sometimes stuff (shit) just happens and you do your best to deal with it.  Our timing system had a glitch last night so we could not give any results after the race.  😞  But have no fear Patrick had done some major sleuthing in strava and other methods to tabulate the results of lastnight.  Thanks Patrick!  

For the men PB's all around - James Sage rocked the 20K in 28:22 followed quickly by Sean Lunny in 29:30 and Stephen Mohan in 31:26


For the women – Janna Gillick dominated with 31:14 , in 2nd with a PB for Lorrie Baildham in 33:11 and in 3rd  by Angelina Landry making her debut in the TT with a very FAST 33:38


10 Personal Bests

Lee Zavarise

Menno Jognsma

Eric Byres

Fabian Poulin

James Sage

Sean Lunny

Stephen Mohan

Lorrie Baildham

Jamie Ollsen

Wendy Hicks




Full results for the 20k here:

Team scores here:

Current series standings results here:




Thank you to our volunteers Steve Ollsen for doing the turn around and Deb Epps for sending off the riders.

See you next week for the 15K on NRR

InterClub Time Trials
This year MIVA Cycling Club is hosting an interclub TT challenge series, so talk to your friends and make a team.

The series includes 4 Time Trials:
         15k       May 10th     Grafton Road, Errington
         20k       May 24th     Nanaimo River Road (NRR)
         40k       June 14th    NRR
         15k       July 5th       NRR
* Teams will consist of 3 riders from the same club with no limit on the number of teams from each club.
* Each club team must be mixed (both male and female)
* One rider on each club team must ride Merckx style (no TT bike, no aero bars, no aero helmet, no aero wheels)
* Each rider will compete individually
* Times from each team will be added together for a total team time for each event
* Fastest team time will be awarded 10 Points for the win,  2nd fastest team 8 points, then points will be awarded as follows 7 6,5,4,3,2,1,1,1,1
* At the last TT on July 5, the overall team winner will be announced earning bragging rights
* If by chance there is a tie then we will use the fastest total team time from the last event 
All riders must be members of Cycling BC.
Riders can signup online using our webscorer system. There will be a $5 fee per rider for each event unless you hold a MIVA seasons pass. Riders should check in with the starter by 6:30.  First rider off at 7pm, and then at 1-minute intervals after.  No drafting permitted.
MIVA this week...

Monday - Group ride from NIC @ 6pm. Open to all levels - come out and ride with a great group of people.Tuesday - Crit Race - the second last one in the series. Race time is 7pm. Thursday - 15k time trial on Nanaimo River Road starting at 7pm. Only 2 more left in our series. Sign up below. Sunday - MIVA DIVA 100k - we have 23 signed up already! But there is lots more room so sign up ladies. See below. MIVA event sign up:

MIVA events - May 29 to June 1

Yes it is finally summer!Monday Development Ride - roll out of the NIC @6pm - we have 3 groups ranging from about 24kmh and up. Come ride with a great group of people and improve your fitness and skills.

Tuesday Crit Race - If you want to improve your speed and endurance why not try a Crit race. Yes the pace is fast but hey drafting is encouraged. Volunteers are needed. Racers it is time to take your turn so sign up! A lucky volunteer will win a sweet Easton wheel set at the end of the season.

Wednesday Int/Adv Ride - From Rock City Cycles at 6:15. This is a good chance to push the pace up and ride with stronger riders.

Thursday Time Trial - 15k this week which is a great distance to try out or better your time. Sign up before 4pm on Thursday.

Sign up for all MIVA events