MIVA Weds Night Rides (Intermediate)
Starting April 8th and going right until August 26th, Angelina Landry has again graciously offered her time to lead out the MIVA intermediate rides (every Wednesday). Start time is 6pm, meeting at Oak Bay Bikes. These rides are at an intermediate pace (24-28km/hr) and are no drop format. There are some hills (they are inevitable where we live), but be prepared to push at a good pace on these rides. The Strava link to the route is here. Generally the distance will be 35-55km. The routes may change over time, and there will be options for riders to opt out or turn back if need be.
Please use the following link via MeetUp to confirm participation.
Participants must be members of MIVA and Cycling BC (any license/membership). Cycling BC allows for 2 trial rides before commit to a membership. The form is here, please have this signed and bring it with you to Angelina for the start of the ride. Trial Ride Release of Liability Waiver