Mt Washington 1st Annual Hill Climb

Special thank you to Cheryl Morch for organizing the first annual hill climb up Mt.Washington this past Saturday, May 23. Note from Cheryl:

"It was perfect conditions for an epic climb up Mount Washington!  Peter McCafery was fantastic behind the wheel of his new car, timing the riders and transporting their bags to the top of the hill.  Thank you to all of you who made the drive up island to conquer the “wall of pain”.  Fourteen riders lined up at the base of the hill, with Charles Sinclair starting at the 8 km mark (52.22).  Results were as follows:

  1. Joel Lutz – 1:03.47
  2. Sean DePol – 1:06.42
  3. Mike McCarney – 1:09.22
  4. Paul Thompson – 1:11.22 (off course)
  5. Cheryl Morch – 1:13.17
  6. Lori Baildham – 1:13.28
  7. Kevin Heeres – 1:13.30
  8. Simon Weber – 1:14.59
  9. Mike Jorgensen – 1:22.54
  10. Kiyomi Schultz – 1:23.54
  11. Dave Steen – 1:24.32
  12. Kim Sutherland – 1:29.35
  13. Paul Callow – 1:34.15
  14. Lisa McLeod – 1:45.00 (Flat tire)


A HUGE thank you to our sponsors: Kiyo Spa for the gift certificate, Mount Washington for the support, swag and meal deal, , and MIVA for the hats."
