Nanaimo Double Header COTR Weekend

Nanaimo is hosting a double header as a part of the Cross on the Rock Series this November 7th and 8th. This is a huge opportunity for the community to show itself off and host a couple of top shelf events. As I said before, we need the MIVA Army to come together on this weekend and HIT IT HARD. Volunteers will be needed for BOTH events to pull this off. In the middle of these events there will be a Cx Party at Oak Bay Bikes shop on Saturday night! Saturday November 7th Oak Bay Bikes hosts the Kona Kup @ Beban Park. Volunteers will be needed please email asap! Race Reg Link!

Saturday Night Cx party @ Oak Bay Bikes! Snacks, bevvies, and a keg. That's all that needs to be said.  See you there.

Sunday November 8th MIVA hosts My Little Pony Cross @ Arbutus Meadows. Please email Ron @ to let him know you can help!  Race link here!

It's always the same group who ride both races (we're all on the same team here), so your support is appreciated in course set up at Beban, race day support, Beban course take down, Arbutus set up, Pony race day support, Pony set up, etc.A

(I can't figure out how to make the email links directly open up your mail client so copy paste them in, old school way)




It won't be this muddy. Probably.


Plaid Brothers will be there

Kona Kup 2014