Pro D Day Triathlon Camp - MIVA Volunteers Needed
Byron Trajan is helping to put on a Pro D Day Tri Camp, many groups from town such as Hub City Tri Club, White Rapids Swim Club, Natural Edge Fitness, and others are helping to put on a fun day for kids aged 7-12. This takes place on Monday, February 23rd, 2015. Between 845am-1000am Brad Goodman is putting participants on wind trainers, while Byron is working on bike handling, mounting/dismounting with the rest. There'll be some Leaders in Training to help out, but it couldn't hurt to have a few adults there to keep things running smooth.
From 3-4pm there is a mini-triathlon, where they'll take the kids onto the E&N Trailway between Dorman and Bowen Roads. If anyone from MIVA is available to help marshal or even sweep on their bikes, from about 3:15pm-3:45pm, your help would be appreciated.
The event registration, if you know of anyone interested, is at
Please contact Byron at btrajan <at> for more information, thanks!