Time Trial Clinic by Don Gillmore

The TT clinic will take place prior to our first time trial of the season on Thursday April 14th, at 530pm. The 15k TT#1 will start at 630pm. Don Gillmore has assisted many time trialists to becoming substantially faster through advice and minor tweaks. Some of the things that will be covered:


  • Crank Length
  • Pelvic Rotation
  • SMP Saddles
 (there would be bullet points below, if Wordpress worked right :) )
  • Cadence
  • Gearing
  • Crank length
  • Allocation of effort on rolling terrain
  • Starts and turns
  •  Climbing - seated in aero position - saddles again
  •  Descents
    In addition to this, Don has provided a few places that people can go online to read up on pertinent info. These articles linked below would be helpful to read prior to the clinic. As Don says, "For me, getting low and comfortable on the bike has been dependent on saddle choice, and I've spent years and well over a grand on saddles to home in on what works. That's where it starts actually.  I remember the frustration when I hadn't found a saddle that worked, then finding better and better ones over the years.  At the same time, others, like those two bike fitters, have come up with similar findings" :
    About SMP Saddles
    Steve Hogg is a renowned Australian bike fitter.  He has an excellent writeup on SMP saddles
    Colby Pearce is "Steve Hogg certified" and has a similar take on SMP saddles. The second link on SMP saddles was actually the precursor to the SMP Primer that I wanted people to read


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