Posts in Hill Climbs
Mt Washington 1st Annual Hill Climb

Special thank you to Cheryl Morch for organizing the first annual hill climb up Mt.Washington this past Saturday, May 23. Note from Cheryl:

"It was perfect conditions for an epic climb up Mount Washington!  Peter McCafery was fantastic behind the wheel of his new car, timing the riders and transporting their bags to the top of the hill.  Thank you to all of you who made the drive up island to conquer the “wall of pain”.  Fourteen riders lined up at the base of the hill, with Charles Sinclair starting at the 8 km mark (52.22).  Results were as follows:

  1. Joel Lutz – 1:03.47
  2. Sean DePol – 1:06.42
  3. Mike McCarney – 1:09.22
  4. Paul Thompson – 1:11.22 (off course)
  5. Cheryl Morch – 1:13.17
  6. Lori Baildham – 1:13.28
  7. Kevin Heeres – 1:13.30
  8. Simon Weber – 1:14.59
  9. Mike Jorgensen – 1:22.54
  10. Kiyomi Schultz – 1:23.54
  11. Dave Steen – 1:24.32
  12. Kim Sutherland – 1:29.35
  13. Paul Callow – 1:34.15
  14. Lisa McLeod – 1:45.00 (Flat tire)


A HUGE thank you to our sponsors: Kiyo Spa for the gift certificate, Mount Washington for the support, swag and meal deal, , and MIVA for the hats."


MIVA Mt.Washington Hill Climb and Social - May 23rd

Register here:  The Event – Need a reason to kick your training up a notch?  Join us on climbing 1,100m of elevation in 18.2 km up Mount Washington!  This is not a race, but we will provide timing for the fun of it.  Burger and beverage social at Ted’s to follow so that you can share your suffering with fellow cyclists from across the island.  There will also be a start at the 8 km mark for those wishing to avoid the “Wall of Suffering” at the bottom of the hill.

When – 10am Saturday May 23rd, 2015 (Weather Permitting).

Details –

  • Pre-register online at  by Wednesday May 20.  $10 fee due day of race includes a beverage and burger. $15 day of registration.  Cash only.
  • Must have Cycling BC Citizen’s License and either a MIVA or CVCC membership.
  • 9:30 am – Meet at the bottom of Strathcona Parkway at the base of Mount Washington.  Drop of a small bag with a change of clothes/kit and comfortable shoes for the social event at the top.  ***It is also wise to pack a jacket for the descent as it can be extremely cold coming down.***
  • 10:00 am – Start time from the bottom
  • 10:15 am – Start time at the 8km mark.
  • 11:30 am – Social at Ted’s.  Exciting draw prizes from our sponsors!


Please Note – If the weather is looking inclement for the 23rd, we will postpone it to Saturday May 30th.  Please check for details.  There are no washroom facilities at the base of the hill.  Parking at Tim Horton’s/Superstore is 13 km/approximately 25 minutes away is a great warm-up.


Contact - Cheryl Morch at

2015 Hill Climb Championships

In 2015 we have moved the hill climb series up to take place in August.  In previous years it's occurred in Sept/Oct, which conflicted with the many great cyclocross events we have on the island.  There will be 5 Hill Climbs, 4 consecutive Thursdays at 630pm followed by the double point finale up Doumont on Saturday August 29th at 1100am.  The record up Doumont was held for many moons by Stefan Jakobsen (12:28), only to be nipped by Paul Auton in 2011 with a time of 12:00.  Lorrie Baildham beat her own record last year, raising the bar to 15:16. There will be a BOUNTY on this record in 2015, whoever takes the record takes home a $50 cash prize home with them.

MENS RECORD: Paul Auton 12:00 (2011) WOMENS RECORD: Lorrie Baildham 15:16 (2014)

2014 Series Results 2013 Series Results

There will also be a fun MIVA group training ride up Mt.Washington sometime in May, stay tuned...


Tayden De Pol (2014)

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