Posts in Club Gear
Pre Reg for 40k TT Open!

Please click this link and sign up for the 40k TT this Thursday. Having a 40k earlier in the season is beneficial as you can use it as a landmark to results later in the summer and see your vast improvements. The Rock City Cycles TT Series consists of 16 Time Trials in all, 6x15k, 6x20k, and 4x40k. MIVA is phasing out the on site registration as it adds a ton of time, which the volunteer timekeepers don't have much of these days. The start list can be created early and less confusion/delay at the start.

YOUTH Distance is 20k as far as point awarding goes. If a youth wishes to race the 40k, MIVA will count their first 20k lap towards the standings/points. The 40k time will be given to the youth as well for their own record keeping purposes.

TT Series Schedule (1) TT


Club Gear, TTCoreyComment
MIVA Gear Store v2.0 is NOW OPEN

Good news MIVA, the online store is open again! Instructions on how to order are below:  

1 – Click here for MIVA’s online shop MIVA STORE

2 – As you choose the gear you want, drop down menus appear to show the different styles available along with the prices. Here is where you can add reflective piping, and what type of zipper you prefer.

3 – When you go to checkout, you will be prompted to login if you haven’t already or SIGN UP (if you have not set up an account)

4 – For questions please use the ‘Contact Us’ button on the ordering page, or email Champsys also has a CHAT icon on the ordering page, utilize this for quick help.

5 – The store is set to close Friday April 29th (so don't procrastinate)


2016 Gear is IN!

Happy Friday everyone,

The gear just arrived. It is available at Pure Chiropractic, 1-5144 Metral Drive, Nanaimo.
The hours they are open are today until 6pm
Saturday 830am-1030am
Sunday closed
MWF 830-6
T/TH 830-200
Thank you again to our sponsor Pure Chiropractic for assisting in the distribution of it all!


Club GearCoreyComment
MIVA Gear Order Update

The MIVA gear order has been submitted and should be delivered mid-March. Thank you all for your huge support of the club, in the 6 years MIVA has been around there has never been an order as large as this one! Thank you to Gio at Gio Creative for the many hours of design work, and to Jason Hare for working as the liason with ChampSys. We'll be opening up the store again in the spring for those who missed out and for those who need a few extra items. Skinsuit 3d

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