Aquarius Marine Crit - May 7th

We had twenty riders show up for a blustery night, with a strong headwind on the finishing straight changing the dynamic for the Aquarius Marine Criterium on May 7th. The pace started off fast and furious with James Sage attacking hard and going off the front three laps in. The headwind was too much for him to escape on his own and he was quickly brought back to the pack. From there on out the pace remained high with several unsuccessful attacks occurring, but the headwind made it difficult for anything to stick. As a result it all came down to the wire in a group sprint which was narrowly taken by Iain Hay, followed closely by Kevin and James.

Thanks to all our volunteers for coming out and helping to keep these events running so smoothly.


Larry Dicker
Brad Temple
Graeme Copp
Tony Adema
Peter Richards
Brian Kuhn

In other news…

Coming up this weekend is the Island Youth Road and Track series race in Errington at Englishman River Falls Park. If anyone knows of any youth interested in giving road racing a try, check out .

We’re also looking for volunteers to help with registration, marshalling corners, and hosting a post race barbecue. If you are available to help out please sign up here.

Registration opens at 11am in the Englishman River Falls parking lot, racing starts at noon, and everything should be done and packed up by 2pm.

Reminder; this week’s time trial is on Grafton Road in Errington. Please pre-register here

Guest User
Rock City Cycles 20k Time Trial - May 2nd

It was a slightly chilly evening for our first 20 km time trial this year. Twenty riders turned out to test themselves on the Nanaimo River Road course. Once again James Sage put in a great performance and was the only rider to come in under half an hour with a time of 28:33. The fastest woman was Tamara Zavarise with a time of 37:15.

Matthew Lamb suffered a puncture within the first kilometer, at least it wasn’t too far to walk back.

Thanks as usual to Patrick and also to Shepherd and Charlene Stewart for helping with the start.

Peter Richards
Aquarius Marine Criterium - April 30th

Twenty-four riders took the field last night. There was a huge turnout from up-island, with the Riverway Dental contingent out of Courtenay, along with two riders from Campbell River. Two riders from Cycle Therapy in Duncan topped off the out-of-towners to have the locals outnumbered.

Janna suffered a mechanical on the first lap and unfortunately had to sit out her first MIVA crit of the season.

After the first two laps the pace picked up sharply with an attack from the Riverway squad stringing the pack out on lap four, which is where we saw the first rider get dropped. Several laps later the pack regrouped and stayed together for the most part. Halfway through the race the pace started to break apart as one by one several riders fell off the back in response to attacks from the front. With 5 laps to go Gary Macgregor from Riverway went off the front and looked to be able to hold pack off. However, somewhere on the backside of the third to last lap the bunch caught Gary and much to our confusion at the finish line Eric Rush also in Riverway kit attacked and went off the front. Eric managed to hold the pack off and soloed the last two laps to victory, with Iain Hay out-sprinting Nathan Walsh for second place.

Many thanks to the volunteers:
Brad Temple
Larry Dicker
Mary-Jo Mace
Liz Halloran
John Kinos
Glen Gordon

Video courtesy Glen Gordon

Guest User
Rock City Cycles 15k TT - April 25th

We had a great turnout for the second time trial of the season; 27 racers including a few new faces! There was a strong headwind on the outbound leg, which might become the new normal with so many fewer trees on the course than previous years.

Once again James Sage was the fastest man with a time of 21:19.5. The fastest woman was Janna Gillick with a time of 23:20.3, which also gave her second place over all!

A big thank you to our volunteers, Liz O’Halloran and Steve Olsson, and to Patrick for organizing.

Next week’s time trial is 20 km, we’ll be starting half an hour later at 7pm, now we’re getting into longer evenings.

Click here to view the results, and click here to see the series standings so far.

Peter Richards
Aquarius Marine Crit - 23rd April

Last night’s race had a great turnout. We had riders attending from several groups up and down the island including: River Dental Racing, Comox Valley Cycling Club, River City Cycles, and Cycle Therapy.

The crit started off with 2 neutral laps of a 30 lap race. Attacks started to come almost right off the gun but none stuck at first. It picked up to a very fast speed which strung out the group into a single pace line. Around Lap 15. Ian Hay put in another attack which was chased down by the group. By the end of the race there were about a dozen left in the lead group which went down to a sprint. Ian Hay took the win, James Sage for 2nd followed by Jaymi Dumper in 3rd.

Click here to view the results. Here is how the series stands so far.

Many thanks once again to Patrick and all our volunteers for making the race happen and dealing with occasionally grumpy drivers:
Mary-Jo Mace
Jack Mace
Laura Mace
Larissa Richards
Glen Gordon
John Kinos
Antonius Adema

Peter Richards