Friday night saw club members gathered at Nanaimo Squash Club for our annual general meeting and end-of-season 2019 awards ceremony. We ate pizza and enjoyed what the bar had to offer while we discussed the last year, and what we’re looking forward to in 2020. We also heard about some board members who are stepping down and voted in the board for 2020.
Here’s a brief summary of what changes to expect in the coming year:
More group rides! We’ve received feedback that some members would enjoy more friendly rides. We’ll be adding more group riding to the calendar for 2020, but not at the expense of racing.
We’re adjusting the focus and format of the Monday night rides to make them friendlier and more accessible to beginners. We’ll still have different speed groups though, so if you’re fast, don’t worry, there’s still a place for you.
The MIVA Diva training rides will be open to all genders in 2020 so everyone can enjoy a club ride at the weekend. However, the final Women’s 100 will still be women only.
We’re working on an end of year MIVA 100 ride for all members followed by a barbecue or dinner, and awards ceremony. It’ll be a great way to wrap up the season and will bring the awards much closer to the end of the racing season.
Your board members for 2020 are:
Patrick Burnham - President
Antonius Adema - Treasurer
Shepherd Stewart - Administrator
Kiyomi Schultz
Lee Zavarise
Lorrie Baildham
Peter Richards
Amy Woermke
Jesse Manner
Brad Temple
Peter McCafferey
Phil Birrer and Paul Thompson are stepping down from the board and we thank them and acknowledge all the work that they’ve put into the club.
After the AGM was adjourned we moved to the more fun part of the evening; the awards and prizes. No-one left empty-handed and a selection of prizes were handed out, ranging from a set of carbon wheels to some socks.
A few talented individuals also left with one (or two!) of our custom made trophies. These went to:
TT Women: Tamara Zavarise
TT Men: James Sage
Crit Men: Iain Hay
Crit Women: Janna Gillick
Hill Climb Women: Lorrie Baildham
Hill Climb Men: James Sage
Most Improved Men: Lee Zavarise
Most Improved Women: Mary-Jo Mace
Volunteer of the Year: Charlene Stewart/Karen Linterman
Rookie of the Year Medal: Luke Hubner