Posts in Group Rides
Monday Night Ride (Beg Pace)

Join us for another fun Monday Night Ride tomorrow, departing from the NIC (Ice Center) parking lot at 6pm sharp.  The route is 20-25km out and back on Jingle Pot, and the pace is 20-24km/hr.  Come on out and hone your group riding skills. Attached is the Cycling BC Waiver Form for a trial ride.  You are allowed 2 trial rides before requiring a cycling bc membership of some sort.  Trial Ride Release of Liability Waiver

These rides are brought to you by KIYO SALON & SPA, thank you for your support!


Mt Washington 1st Annual Hill Climb

Special thank you to Cheryl Morch for organizing the first annual hill climb up Mt.Washington this past Saturday, May 23. Note from Cheryl:

"It was perfect conditions for an epic climb up Mount Washington!  Peter McCafery was fantastic behind the wheel of his new car, timing the riders and transporting their bags to the top of the hill.  Thank you to all of you who made the drive up island to conquer the “wall of pain”.  Fourteen riders lined up at the base of the hill, with Charles Sinclair starting at the 8 km mark (52.22).  Results were as follows:

  1. Joel Lutz – 1:03.47
  2. Sean DePol – 1:06.42
  3. Mike McCarney – 1:09.22
  4. Paul Thompson – 1:11.22 (off course)
  5. Cheryl Morch – 1:13.17
  6. Lori Baildham – 1:13.28
  7. Kevin Heeres – 1:13.30
  8. Simon Weber – 1:14.59
  9. Mike Jorgensen – 1:22.54
  10. Kiyomi Schultz – 1:23.54
  11. Dave Steen – 1:24.32
  12. Kim Sutherland – 1:29.35
  13. Paul Callow – 1:34.15
  14. Lisa McLeod – 1:45.00 (Flat tire)


A HUGE thank you to our sponsors: Kiyo Spa for the gift certificate, Mount Washington for the support, swag and meal deal, , and MIVA for the hats."


Monday Night Beginner Rides start APR 27

Starting April 27th until about July, Mike McCarney will be leading a "beginners group ride" for MIVA.  Come on out for our Monday night beginner rides.  We will meet at the NE corner of the parking lot at the NAC (Aquatic Center), departing at exactly 6pm (don't pull up at 6:01pm), riding about a 20km route out Jingle Pot.

These rides are at an easy going pace (20-24km/hr) and have a strict no drop policy. If you come out and hammer off the front you will buy "beverages" for the group afterwards:) Until further notice, we will ride the same 20k route so that riders get familiar and comfortable with the route. This is the proposed route for now

We will instruct riders on how to ride safely and responsibly in a paceline configuration. This will be explained and practiced so that everyone gains skills and confidence in group riding. Each week different riding techniques and skills will be introduced.

Participants must be members of MIVA and Cycling BC (any license/membership).  Cycling BC allows for 2 trial rides before commit to a membership.  The form is Trial Ride Release of Liability Waiver, please have this signed and bring it with you to Mike for the start of the ride.





Each year, the club organises a Spring 50km and 100km challenge to be completed in a selected time. This year, the Challenge is on April 18th.   It traces the familiar northern route to Parksville via North West Bay Road and then up through Errington to Qualicum Bay and back via Superior Road /Aulds Road. The 50 kilometre turns around at Serious Coffee at the south end of Parksville. Both distances start and finish at the Longwood Brew Pub, one of MIVA's regular sponsors. The goal is for ALL riders to finish by 1pm at the Longwood.  The platters will be available then, so if you're hoping to start at 7 and blast out a quick ride, you'll be waiting awhile afterwards.  It'll be a fun social get together afterwards if we're all there at the same time as well.  All participants register at the start at the following times according to selected distance and duration:

  • 50km: in 3hours 10am,
  • 50km: in 2 hours 11am;
  • 100km: in 5 hours 8am,
  • 100km: in 4 hours 9am,
  • 100km: in 3 hours 10am. All finishers will check in at the Upstairs Room, where they will find lots of hors d' oeuvres and where they can order food and drink too, from 1pm on.

To ensure that all participants complete the entire route, there are a number of checkpoints on the way. This year, we have returned to locating a number of visible placards, each showing a two letter coding. Riders must insert these codes on their route cards and have them checked at the end of the ride.

Entry fee is $5

Due to insurance requirements, entry is limited to paid up members of Mid Island Velo Association and Cycling BC. 2015  MIVA membership forms and waivers will be available at registration. Go to cycling BC website to join on-line.

Every year, the number of participants has grown,  so come on out and show your stuff.


Turn R on Turner then L on Uplands 0
L on Dover Rd. > Lantzville Rd. 2.1
R on Hy 19 8.9  
R on NW Bay 14.9  
R on Hy 19A to Serious Coffee 24.7  
R onto Hy19A  then L on Shelly St. 27.3  
R on Stanford Ave. E. 27.4  
L on on Corfield St. S. 28.5  
R on Despard Ave. 28.8  
L on Alberni Hy. 29.9  
L on Bellevue Rd. 31.4  
R on Ruffels Rd. 32.2  
L on Leffler Rd. (watch for Birds of Prey Recovery) 33.8  
R on Grafton Ave. 34.6  
General Store 35.4  
R on Pratt Rd. 42.8
L on Alberni Hy. 44.7
R on Hilliers Rd. S. 45.6
L on Hy 4A                   CAREFUL 50.3
L on Rupert Rd. (Hy 19A) 53.2
R on Hy 19 (Oceanside route) 57.8
DEEZ Bar & Grill  
L on NW Bay Rd. 75.8  
L on Hy 19 (Petrocan) 85.9  
 R on Superior Rd. 93.1  
S.O Van der Hoek then L on Harby 93.4  
R on Philiip L on R 94.2
L on Ronald 94.8
R on Ware 95.2
L on Aulds 95.4
R on Metral 98.3
L on Turner 100.0
Finish at Brew Pub 100.6



MIVA Weds Night Rides (Intermediate)

Starting April 8th and going right until August 26th, Angelina Landry has again graciously offered her time to lead out the MIVA intermediate rides (every Wednesday).  Start time is 6pm, meeting at Oak Bay Bikes. These rides are at an intermediate pace (24-28km/hr) and are no drop format.  There are some hills (they are inevitable where we live), but be prepared to push at a good pace on these rides.  The Strava link to the route is here.  Generally the distance will be 35-55km.  The routes may change over time, and there will be options for riders to opt out or turn back if need be.

Please use the following link via MeetUp to confirm participation.

Participants must be members of MIVA and Cycling BC (any license/membership).  Cycling BC allows for 2 trial rides before commit to a membership.  The form is here, please have this signed and bring it with you to Angelina for the start of the ride. Trial Ride Release of Liability Waiver

Weds Route